Interview with SHS Tennis Player Amaya Hulbert

Welcome to the Fall Edition of Off the Reels! Over the next several weeks, I’ll be showcasing some of Springboro’s best athletes in sports including tennis, soccer, volleyball, and many more. Stay tuned to learn more about some of your favorite athletes and their sports stories. Kicking off the first blog of the 22-23 school year is a senior on the tennis team.

Meet SHS Tennis player Amaya Hulbert…

Tennis story:

Amaya grew up playing almost every sport imaginable, but her mom was the one who encouraged her to play tennis. Amaya said, “I tried it out and I just fell in love with it right when I first started… it just made sense.” She goes on to mention that she loves the individual aspect of tennis. “I like being the only person on the court and not having to rely on anyone else but myself to win.” Amaya is a four-year varsity member of the tennis team and will represent Springboro this year as their team captain.

How Amaya prepares herself for her matches:

“I get nervous really easily, so I like to listen to music to calm myself down.”Amaya wants to ensure she feels 100% before going out to compete and finds it helpful to stretch and ice before each match. 

Amaya’s plans after high school:

Amaya is planning on majoring in Pre-Med and Biology after high school. She is currently looking at schools where she can continue to play tennis. Some of these schools include Colorado College and Earlham College. I can’t wait to see where she ends up!

How Amaya has been able to strengthen her mental game:

With tennis being mostly an individual sport, having a solid mental game is vital for success. There can be so many different pressures that an athlete puts on themself when competing, and it’s hard not to let those pressures affect you. This is something that Amaya has worked hard to improve on over the years. She said, “I learn from my losses and focus on one point at a time.” 

What has tennis taught Amaya about herself:

I’ve learned I can be pretty emotionless on the court,” Amaya said. She can keep a poker face throughout the entire match no matter the situation. “I think this is one of my greatest strengths because my opponent never knows how I am feeling.” 

Something Amaya is going to miss the most about high school tennis:

Amaya has developed a tight bond with the girls on her team. “I’m going to miss playing with my team and the feeling of winning together,” She loved getting to experience the thrilling moments with the girls when competing at intense tournaments such as Sectionals and Districts. Amaya also hosts their team pool party every year at her house and is going to miss doing those fun activities with her team. 

Amaya’s most memorable match of her high school career:

During Amaya’s junior year season, she felt she wasn’t playing to her full potential. As the season went on, she pushed herself every day to get to the point where she is now. She said, “On my last match to qualify for Districts, I ended up beating a state qualifier… that was definitely an ‘I did it’ kind of moment for me.” She was very proud of her comeback from a tough season and felt like she had redeemed herself.

Amaya’s advice to other athletes:

Amaya’s advice for people in tennis and any other sport is “If you play your best on the court, you’ll leave with no regrets, win or lose.” This is something that she has always said to herself to keep her motivated to play her best each and every time she walks out on the court. What a great motto to live by! 

Good luck to Amaya and the rest of the tennis team this season!

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