Interview with SHS Basketball Player Ava Wade

 Welcome back to Off the Reels! This winter sports athlete is only a sophomore but has already made enormous strides for the SHS Lady Panthers basketball team. 

Meet SHS Basketball Player Ava Wade…

Basketball story:

Basketball has been a part of Ava’s family for as long as she can remember. Her mom played in college for the University of Miami and her dad played all throughout high school. In Kindergarten, Ava decided to play in a recreational basketball league and the rest was history.  

Position on the court:

Ava’s height, strength, and speed allow her to have the opportunity to play multiple different positions during the game. She considers herself to be a guard or forward. Ava is a great outside shooter and can also post up in the paint. She’s an incredibly well-rounded player that can execute almost any task at hand.


“Basketball is all I do, so I want to give it my all and be the best version of myself on the court.” Ava’s self-motivation is very admirable and something that many great athletes tend to struggle with. Before games, she always tries to hype herself up and have confidence even if she has an off day. Her family and coaches are also a big reason why she is able to keep this strong mindset because they are always there on the sidelines encouraging her through it all.

Favorite part about the team:

“I love the bond that we all share. It’s great to play basketball with all of my best friends and feel comfortable being ourselves around each other without any judgment.” The bond that the girls share on the team definitely transfers into their games. It’s important to have a sense of chemistry amongst the team so that you can all work together to win. This is something that the Lady Panthers have worked on a lot this season and their 12-2 conference record is a true reflection of that. 

Typical practice:

Springboro girls basketball team’s practices vary daily depending on who they’re playing next. They will utilize their knowledge of how opposing teams operate their offense and defense to work through different scenarios that could potentially occur in a game. Aside from that, they will always work on keeping their skills fresh and practicing plays. In the summer, Ava plays for an AAU basketball team where she is able to continue to improve her skills in the offseason. 

Role model: 

“I really look up to my older brother Trace. His character and his ability to not let little things bring him down are things that I really admire about him. I wish I could be more like him in that area and I have started to try and resemble his mindset and personality on the court.” 

Pre-game routine:

The most important part of Ava’s routine is eating a Snickers bar before every game. “I know it has nothing to do with how I play, but I’ve been doing it since 8th grade and I’m too superstitious to stop now.” On the way to games, she will put in her Airpods and listen to music to get in the right mindset. Her go-to hype music is anything by Drake. “I like to imagine myself hitting shots, playing good defense, getting lots of assists, and succeeding in the game before I step out on the court.”

What winning GWOC felt like for Ava and the rest of her team:

The Lady Panthers finished their regular season with a first-place finish in the Greater Western Ohio Conference. Securing a win over Miamisburg was the determining factor for this accomplishment. “We all knew what was on the line and we gave it our all. I’m really proud of my team for how well we played in that game and we all had a lot of fun too because we were working together and doing everything our coaches asked of us.” 

What makes a great basketball player:

“Every coach I’ve ever met always says that you need to have grit, which I’ve found to be very true. You need to be able to have self-discipline and know when you’re not working hard enough. You’re responsible for the amount of effort you put in and you should always be pushing yourself to reach the next level even when it’s difficult.”


Ava and her team are determined to get to State. Their team is still very young compared to other teams since they have no seniors. This allows them the opportunity to connect as a team even more and come out next year stronger than everyone else and accomplish this goal. Ava’s individual goal is to be as big of an influence on Springboro’s basketball program as much as she can. “Even if I don’t break any records, I hope that coaches and future players remember me as someone who was a hard worker and had a lot of passion for the game.” As of now, Ava is looking into playing basketball in college. With two full years of high school basketball left, there’s no doubt that she will find a college that’s right for her.

Advice for other basketball players:

“Don’t be too hard on yourself because that’s what can lead to the downfall of a great athlete. Try to be as tough as you can both mentally and physically to accomplish all of your goals you have for yourself.”

Congratulations to the Lady Panthers for finishing their season as GWOC Champions and District Runner-Ups. I look forward to seeing where Ava and the rest of her team goes next season!

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