Interview with SHS Football Player Mason Pittl

 Welcome to the fall sports edition of Off the Reels! This hardworking senior athlete is giving it his all this season as he is nearing the end of his Springboro football career.

Meet SHS Football Player Mason Pittl…

Football story:

Mason's passion for football initially developed through his father's influence. They would frequently watch numerous football games together, and he grew to admire NFL player Sean Taylor. After Mason began to show even more of an interest in the sport, his Dad encouraged him to start playing football in 5th grade.

Position on the team:

Mason plays inside linebacker for the Springboro Panthers defense. During his junior season, he had a total of 101 tackles, 2 sacks, and an interception. As a team captain this year, he sets a leadership example for his team through his dedication and encouraging words.

Pre-game rituals:

It’s important for athletes to get in the right headspace before going out to compete. Mason does this by listening to his favorite pump-up music before each game to get himself in the zone.

Motivation to play his best:

My biggest motivation to help me play at my full potential is my best friend and teammate Connor. We push each other every day both in and out of practice to get to the level we both know we are capable of achieving.” 

Most memorable game: 

Mason’s most memorable game of his high school career was played at home against Centerville during his junior year season. “There’s no better feeling than having that big of a comeback victory against your rivals. We were hungry for that win and throughout the entirety of that game, we never gave up fighting.

What football has taught Mason about himself:

Sports teach young athletes many valuable lessons such as teamwork, cooperation, and communication. The main thing that football has taught Mason is that in order to succeed and strive in the sport you love, you have to work harder than everyone else. “There’s always going to be someone who is working just as hard as you are, so you have to be willing to do anything in your power to be the best.

What people would be surprised to learn about Mason off the field:

Most people would be surprised to know how much effort I put into my schoolwork and getting good grades. I think my work ethic that I’ve built throughout my years of playing football has transferred over to the classroom.

Plans after high school:

Mason’s goal is to play football at the collegiate level next year. He is still going through the recruiting process and hopes to find a school that will be the perfect fit for him. He also plans to pursue a major in Business.

Favorite part about playing for the Panthers:

My favorite part about playing football for Springboro is the second family I’ve been able to make. All of my friends on the team make the sport even more enjoyable for me.

Advice for other athletes:

If you decide you want to succeed in something, commit to it and put all of your effort into reaching those goals every day.”

Good luck to Mason and the rest of the football team in the Playoffs this week!

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